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Soft Landing Services

(+52) 33 3662-7637

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(+52) 33 3662-7637

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Your partner to land your business 

in Mexico and Latin America

We help you enter a new market by minimizing risks and ensuring a seamless transition

Lower labor costs

Mexico offers lower wages compared to other developed countries, which can result in significant savings for companies.

Geographical proximity

Being close to the United States and Canada, companies can maintain easier communication and collaboration with their teams in Mexico, beneficial in terms of project management and faster response times.

Cultural fusion

Mexico shares many cultural similarities with its northern neighbors, which facilitates the integration of work teams and understanding of the needs and expectations of the target market.

Favorable legal framework

Mexico has implemented policies and regulations favorable to attract foreign investments and facilitate the opening and operation of businesses in the country.

How It Works

Our multidisciplinary high-performance team has the right suit of services, work ethics & network, to guide & advise foreign companies & investors wishing to set up operations in Mexico and Latin America.  We join our clients project from planning and design, to the project landing and production start. 

first assessment interview


approve project plan

Execute plan


follow up

Personalized Services For Project

Every company is Unique , we tailor our services to provide just what your project needs in order to install successfully your business on time and budget. 

Why Choose Us?


We have extensive experience in nearshoring and a proven track record of delivering exceptional results.


We offer customized nearshoring solutions that are designed to meet your specific needs and objectives.


We are committed to maintaining the highest standards of quality in every project.


Our dedicated team works closely with your organization to ensure a smooth installation


We provide ongoing support to help you maximize the benefits during the startup phase of your project.

Get in Touch

(+52) 33 3662 7637

Open Hours

9am – 5pm Mon-Fri

What we Do

Legal support
Labor and Payroll consultancy
Tax Compliance advisory
Government Relationships
Accounting Consultancy
Staffing and HR support

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